Saturday, June 22, 2013

Recent Funnies

The other night at bed time, Conor told me there was an "oprah-oprah" (I imagine that's how it would be spelled) hiding in the corner under the "thinking chair" (his glider.)  He said it was small and purple and spiky, and "a little bit scared".  I helped him pick it up but it kept trying to run away.  We decided that if we laid down quietly it might come sleep in the bed.  He named it "Boopah". The next morning he told me that Boopah the oprah-oprah had in fact spent the night in the bed.


Conor put Norman the t-rex on a stool and made me open his mouth so he could check his teeth with his flashlight.  He said "Oh, okay, yeah, that's great! ... That'll be $24."


If you tell Conor he can't have something, he'll reply "well, I didn't see any hands on it."


He has been practicing asking politely for something and will say "Please pass the [whatever is its], after [whomever has it]."  He saw his balloon floating in the kitchen and said "Please pass the balloon, after the air."


Talking about our vacation cottage he said, "This house doesn't have any toys.  Only decorations."


  1. I love these! They have such awesome imaginations at this age!

  2. We loved the "well, I didn't see any hands on it"
