Wednesday, January 26, 2011

19 months

Today Conor turns 19 months old!  Time is flying and he is growing so fast.  He had his "18 month" well visit Monday, and his official stats are below.  Apparently our scale is waaaaaay off - we thought he was 30 pounds back in December but he was 27 pounds on the doctor's scale.  27 makes much more sense and keeps him at the same weight percentile as before.  His head continues to be off the charts - 20 inches and 97th+ percentile!  According to the doc, he's a superstar and doing really well :)

Age  19 months
Weight  27lbs 5 oz (50-75th %ile)
Length  33” (50-75th %ile)
Size  18-24 month and 2T clothes, size 6 shoes, size 5 diapers, 3T hats 
Hair  Craziness up there.  Looks like Justin Bieber – stick straight and in his face/over his ears all the time!
Teeth  16. He’s been rubbing his gums and jaw/cheek, so I think the 2 year molars are coming in.
Sleeping  One 1.5-2 hour nap after lunch. 10-12 hours at night, usually up once or twice.
Eating  3 meals a day + multiple snacks. Still loves to eat.  Quaker Oatmeal Squares are a favorite.  Tried nuts for the first time. 
Movement  Itsy Bitsy Spider dance, Hot Dog Dance
Milestones  Recognizing colors (yellow, sometimes red and blue), lots of imaginative play
Outings  Jungle Java, Baby Association meeting, two sleepovers at Nana and Papa’s, doctor’s visit, Great-Grandma's 90th birthday in Indiana
Favorite toys/activities  Books (favorites are “Spot’s Snowy Day”, “Dear Zoo”, and “Clifford - Puppy Love”), play cars, Little People bus, Duplos, barn, trains, Playhouse Disney, teepee, play kitchen, Chuck the dump truck, See and Say 
Words/sounds Too many new words to list, but some are Nana, Will, Katie ("KoKo"), yellow, Oso (as in Special Agent Oso), mouse ("mouse-uh"), Isaya ("Saya") (a classmate), Payton (a classmate), Wesley (a classmate), “I-Oh” (for Old MacDonald),  outside, pizza, help please (“hip eeeeeeeees”), keys, door, boot, cold, ouch, sings "La La La" to "Dominic the Christmas Donkey"
Memorable Moments first poop in the tub


  1. Happy 19 months Conorman! You are growing SO fast it is hard to keep up with all of your activites and achievements, you are a very busy boy! Grampy and I hope we can visit you soon ~ We Miss You!!!!

  2. Okay, so I want to weigh myself on your scale! Happy 19th months Conor. Love you.

  3. Happy 19 months Conor! Love hearing about all the new words you are saying!

  4. Happy 19 months to Conor! Love, Farmer Brian and Aunt Koko
