All American boy in his "Rock On America" tank top and jorts.
Front row seats.
Plymouth has the distinction of having the earliest Fourth of July parade in America.
Senator Stabenow and Martha Stewart's dogs. (not really)
Worst job in the parade.
The parade Grand Marshal was Plymouth Hall of Famer and the library's namesake, Margaret Dunning, who is coincidentally exactly 99 years older than Conor. Tim pointed out to Conor that she is 100 times as old as he is.
Detroit's Martin Luther King, Jr. High School marching band was a real highlight of the parade!
Detroit Tigers' mascot, Paws.
Another marching band, slightly less lively than the King HS band.
Plymouth Whalers' mascot, Shooter.
No parade is complete without LARPers.
Shrek's cousin, Schrek.
Conor has those overalls!
What an awesome parade! Looks like Conor had the best seat in the house!