Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Conor's Top Ten - Books

Conor loves storytime and I can't recall a book we've read that he didn't like. Here are the books we've been reading a lot of lately.

The Going to Bed Book - We read this book every night, and it's always the last one before bedtime. Once he hears the opening lines, he usually tries to lay down in my lap.

On the Night You Were Born - This one is more for mama. I usually can't get through it without choking up.  It's a very sweet book about how special he is because he's "the one and only, ever" Conor.

Is Your Mama a Llama? - Great rhymes - I think the rhythm of it really keeps his attention.  He also seems very interested in the illustrations and likes pointing to the suns.

Snuggle Puppy - His first Sandra Boynton book and still a favorite.

Fifteen Animals - Yet another Sandra Boynton, this one is very clever.  It was made into a song, which totally changed the way we read this book. You just have to sing it after you hear the song!

Five Little Ladybugs - An abbreviated version of "Ten Little Ladybugs." Conor likes books with interesting things to feel and always touches the ladybugs while we're reading this one. When we get to the last page, I can tell he's really studying the ladybugs' home!

I’m Just a Baby Pterodactyl - I picked up this one for a buck at JoAnns and it may be one of the the best dollars I've ever spent. The story is very sweet and he really likes the googley Pterodactyl eyes.

(The book doesn't look nearly that creepy in real life.  Not sure why it looks like the pterodactyl is wearing transitions lenses...)

That’s Not My Bear - Another book with interesting things to touch. He's particularly fond of the bear on the cover and it's squashy nose.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? - Like all Eric Carle books, this one is bright and colorful.  This is one of my favorites, too!

Dinosaur’s Binkit - One more Sandra Boynton, but a bit different than most of her board books.  Lots of touchy feeley parts and flaps to lift. 

I'll have lists of Conor's Top Ten Toys, Albums, Places, and Things That Make Mama Happy soon!


  1. My son LOVES Sandra Boynton books!

  2. The Going to Bed Book was my favorite as a toddler - and I'm so excited to be able to read it to Laura every night! All the Sandra Boynton books are great. Check out "Hippos Go Berserk!"

  3. "Hippos Go Berserk" is on our list to get! They're so much fun.

  4. I love those Mama Llama books! Thanks for the others, I'm getting sick of reading ours over and over and over...I have "Hooper Humperdink" and "Hand, Hand, Finger, Thumb" memorized...

  5. Great list! I didn't realize that there were songs with some of the Sandra Boynton books. I downloaded them for the girls!

  6. Hello there! I just discovered your blog today and it is soo sweet! My younger brother (who is now 19) is named Conor too. My Mom always said that "Conor" is the only correct spelling :) Anyway - really great blog and I plan on coming back!
