Monday, September 13, 2010

McFatty Monday - Week 17

Yesterday, I ran my first 5K.  In a tutu.  To be 100% accurate, I've participated in two 5Ks before, but this way my first time running.  And I ran the entire 3.1 miles, no walking - can I get a HI-OOOOOOOO???!!!  My time was 34:28.27.

The course was hillier than I am used to.  Mile ~1.25 - 1.75 was fairly challenging, but then I saw Tim and Conor just before the 2 mile mark and got a second wind.  The course went through a residential area and was pretty empty, except for a few folks who turned out to cheer.  While I appreciate the sentiment, I really wish people wouldn't yell, "Good for you!" as I run by.  Was I really that pathetic looking??!!

I was doing okay until I made the turn to the finish, which was on the middle school track.  My legs were Jell-O at this point.  I started worrying I might trip and fall in front of everyone, but managed to cross the finish line without calling (more) attention to myself.

Here's me and Conor Here are Conor and I This is a picture of Conor and I after the race (apologies to my 3rd grade language arts teacher).  I also had "Tutus for Tanner" written across my back with tape.  I did get some strange looks and giggles, but oddly no one asked why I was in a tutu.


  1. congratulations! you did it! you look so cute in that tutu by the way :)

  2. Congratulations! You look so fit & I am so proud of you for running the entire thing!

  3. Awesome job!! We have lots of hills in McKinney, be sure to bring your running shoes ~ and the tutu too, that is too cute!!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Mimi - The tutu is going to a very sweet almost 4 year old that I know will love playing dress up with it!

  5. So cool - I'm very proud of you!!
