Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Conor and the Giant Melon

If Roald Dahl were around to write the sequel to James and the Giant Peach it would probably be called Conor and the Giant Melon.  Conor's head measured 20" at his 15 month checkup today.    That's the 75th percentile ... FOR A THREE YEAR OLD.  He is waaaaaay off the charts for his age.  No worries - he's always had a gigantic head.  He comes from some large head stock so it's to be expected.  I just can't believe I'm shopping for 3T hats for this winter!


  1. All the better to hold his smarty pants brains.

  2. I'm glad we're not the only ones! at about 18 months Solo boy measured 99th% percentile for a two year old. It's huge!

  3. Well it HAS to be large to hold all that cuteness!

  4. Someone from nursing school (I think it was a classmate who had a toddler) once told me that head circumference was the measurement that was the most important developmentally...it might not be from the most reliable source, but I think Conorman's intelligence is proof enough. :)

  5. Katie - I will take that as a reliable source (it is U of M after all!!!)
