Monday, August 16, 2010

McFatty Monday - Week 13

"The food that you put in your body should make you feel your best."
~Kath Younger

That quote is from an interview with dietician, blogger and oatmeal artist Kath of Kath Eats Real Food.  It just makes so much sense. I know the days that I eat well, I have more energy, drive, creativity, positivity... One of the downfalls of sticking to a regular exercise routine has been that it gives me the illusion of a pass at eating right.  I worked out last night, so I can totally have that warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie from the caf.  No!  The 3pm food coma is killer.  By the same token, eating boring, bland, one-dimensional "healthy" foods that leave me lacking energy doesn't work either.  I need to commit to eating right, but I hate following diets.  If I eat foods that I enjoy that also make me feel good, all day, I think that's the winning combination.

I'm still rocking the Couch to 5K.  I haven't shorted any of the runs yet!  Don't get me wrong, I'm really struggling to get through these longer runs.  What's exciting, though, is that in just seven weeks, I've gone from struggling to make it through 60 seconds of running to being able to go for 25 minutes.  I actually had a conversation with Tim tonight about the possibility of doing a half marathon, some day.  He's already suggesting races.

Here's where I'm (still) at:

Today's weight - 140.0
Today's BMI - 22.6
Goal weight - 130
Goal BMI - 21.0
Total weight lost - 3.0 of 13


  1. You're doing great! Also, that quote is so accurate. I have the same issue that you do though - if I work out I feel like I can eat however I want. Silliness!!!

    Good luck - and we hope to see you link up with us again next week!

  2. Good for you on the running..that is great progress!

  3. That is so true! And really? Every time I eat that fast food, I feel like crap!

    Good job with the running!

  4. I agree - and am struggling with the same thing. Well done on the weight loss and running, but more importantly on committing to make yourself feed good!
