Monday, August 2, 2010

McFatty Monday - Week 11

Couch to 5K, I love you.  I am surprising myself with this program, but I'm actually doing it.  Not just saying I'm going to do it, buying a bunch of stuff to do it, thinking about doing it, starting to do it, but actually following through with doing it.  Every week, I look ahead to what the next week's intervals are and think, "How the heck am I going to do that???"  Somehow, I make it.  Day 1 is really hard, and days 2 and 3 get a little easier.

"When I first started running, I was so embarrassed I'd walk when cars passed me. I'd pretend I was looking at the flowers." 
Joan Benoit Samuelson, First Women's Olympic Marathon Champion

I laughed when I read this quote because I do the same thing.  Well, I used to.  I'd turn down a side street if I saw a "real runner" coming towards me because I was embarrassed to run slowly, worried I might have to stop as I passed them, or worse.  Now, I couldn't care less what anybody thinks.  It feels good to run, even if my gait is far less than ideal or I'm slow or whatever.  It's the endorphins, maaaaan.  I'm hooked.

Here's where I'm at:

Today's weight - 139.0
Today's BMI - 22.4
Goal weight - 130
Goal BMI - 21.0
Total weight lost - 4.0 of 13

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