Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lunch Date

Conor and I had the day off school/work Monday.  He was very talkative at lunch and was telling me about his favorite vehicles, so I pulled out the camera and of course he clammed up.  I did manage to get a little bit of "conversation" out of him.  (Unfortunately the first half is a little out of focus because I'm still trying to figure out the video on my new camera.)

Maybe it's just mama goggles, but I love watching him eat.  I think in part that's because sometimes I can't believe just a year and a half ago, a tiny(er) version of this little guy was struggling to nurse.  Now, here he is shoveling man sized bites of mashed potatoes (mostly) into his mouth.


  1. This is so cute and I love watching Conor eat ~ he is such a good eater!!! Any chance he's going to be a leftie like Grampy? Oh, and tell Otis we said "hi" to him too :o)

  2. Wow, he is so cute! I can't wait to be able to hold conversations with Ryan like that. He still doesn't really say anything. :(

  3. He is so cute! Madeline still does that - says she's all done and then keeps eating :)

  4. GAaaaaaaaah that's adorable! Is he available for Skype dates?
