Saturday, December 26, 2009

6 months old!!!

Conor is 6 months old today!

Age 6 months
Weight 18.5 lbs (on our scale)
Length ??? probably ~28"
Size 6-9 month clothes, size 4 diapers
Eyes Still blue
Hair getting VERY long - I think it might be time for a haircut because it's getting in his eyes
Teeth 2! first one (bottom right central incisor) 12/18, second (bottom left central incisor) 12/22
Sleeping about the same as last month at night; naps are getting longer and more consistent (still 3 a day)
Eating still dairy free breastmilk, started rice cereal and even had some banana at Mimi's
Movement pushes up very well with arms and up on knees but not at the same time!, pushes off/scoots on tummy with help
Milestones sitting unassisted briefly
Outings visited Santa at the mall!
Favorite toys/activities Jumperoo, spoon, Sophie, rattle
Words/sounds buzzing, AHHHHHH
Memorable moments First Christmas, trip to Texas, first plane trip


  1. Happy 6 Months! :) Sounds like he's been busy!

  2. He's growing so fast! Madeline kept asking where baby Conor was last night - she can't wait to see her cousin again!

  3. What an amazing 6 months it has been! Mimi and Grampy miss you "so........ much" Conor and can't wait for our next visit ~ the nursery is way too quiet!!
