Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 In Pictures

January - It's a Boy!

February - Getting bigger.

March - Setting up the nursery.

April - Getting even bigger.

May - Baby shower.

June - Birthday!

July - Getting to know you.

August - Waking up.

September - Changing every day.

October - Mr. Personality.

November - Out and about.

December - Big boy!

Can't wait to watch him grow in 2010!


A recap of Conor's first Christmas and trip to Texas.

Hanging out at home with Daddy by the Christmas tree.

Bathtime at Mimi and Grampy's.

Playing at Mimi and Grampy's.

Practicing sitting up and playing with the hedgehog.

Out for a walk in the 70 degree weather - loves the stroller!

At the park with daddy - first time on the swings.

Getting better at sitting every day.

Playing dress up at Christmas Eve dinner.

With cousin Madeline Christmas Eve.

A White TexMas!
Baby's First Christmas stocking.

Christmas morning, enjoying the gifts from his favorite seat.

Playing doctor. Patient: "Am I alive?" Dr. Madeline: "I think so."

Princess slippers.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

6 months old!!!

Conor is 6 months old today!

Age 6 months
Weight 18.5 lbs (on our scale)
Length ??? probably ~28"
Size 6-9 month clothes, size 4 diapers
Eyes Still blue
Hair getting VERY long - I think it might be time for a haircut because it's getting in his eyes
Teeth 2! first one (bottom right central incisor) 12/18, second (bottom left central incisor) 12/22
Sleeping about the same as last month at night; naps are getting longer and more consistent (still 3 a day)
Eating still dairy free breastmilk, started rice cereal and even had some banana at Mimi's
Movement pushes up very well with arms and up on knees but not at the same time!, pushes off/scoots on tummy with help
Milestones sitting unassisted briefly
Outings visited Santa at the mall!
Favorite toys/activities Jumperoo, spoon, Sophie, rattle
Words/sounds buzzing, AHHHHHH
Memorable moments First Christmas, trip to Texas, first plane trip

Friday, December 18, 2009


Conor cut his first tooth today! It was his bottom front right one. The other one down there must be close behind because he has been a fussy little man tonight!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Conor saw Santa last week. He was such a good boy!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Solids

We started solids today with VERY runny rice cereal. He was interested for sure - opened his mouth wide, grabbed the spoon and tried to shove it in, then sucked the cereal off his fingers. He got a bit frustrated - I think I waited too long past his last feeding and he was hungry and couldn't get it all in fast enough!

We'll continue to practice with rice cereal until 6 months before adding fruits and veggies.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

5 Months!

Conor is 5 months old today!

As you can see he is quite excited about this!!! He was also very excied about Thanksgiving. (He would like you to please excuse his post nap hair.)

It has been an exciting month for Conor. He has perfected rolling and is pushing up well on his tummy. He can pull his knees up under him but hasn't managed to get up on all fours yet, although he does scoot forwards and backwards with his knees. He is trying to tripod and has done it for a few seconds but doesn't quite have the balance down yet. He also likes to stand (assisted of course, although he is very strong and doesn't need much help.)

He is sleeping better, on occasion. He does very well going down for the night. Now that he can roll he sleeps on his tummy. He will sleep through the night a few nights in a row, then go back to waking several times. He is now taking three naps a day, almost always in his crib, usually 45 minutes although ocasionally 1.5 hours! I strongly suspect he is teething and hope they break through soon!

Age 5 months

Weight 17.6 lbs (on our scale)

Lenght 27.5" (by my measurement)

Size 6 month clothes, size 3 diapers (4's overnight!)

Eyes Still blue

Hair getting very long, and he's worn a thin spot on his temples from sleeping on his tummy!

Teeth none yet, but appears to be teething and his bottom gums look swollen

Sleeping sometime through the night, sometimes up once, sometimes up several times..... He likes to keep it interesting!

Eating dairy free breastmilk (we tested the waters with some dairy and he had yucky green poop :( ) Nurses 5-6 times a day with one 7 oz bottle \at bedtime

Movement scooting on his tummy, pushing up with his arms, standing assisted

Milestones blowing raspberries, tripods briefly

Outings Halloween costume party, Christmas shopping with Mommy (and the unsuccessful quest for the $0.49 Leap Frog Alphabet Pal)

Favorite toys/activities Jumperoo, Mortimer the Moose, Winnie the HorseHippo, Winkel, Loopapalooza, peekaboo, singing songs, taking baths

Words/sounds Bzzzzzz, rasberries, loud shrieks

Memorable moments Thanksgiving at Nana and Grandpa's

Friday, November 6, 2009

Why baby boys are more fun than baby girls

I love baby boy clothes!!! Baby girl clothes are cute and all, but I love how my little man looks like, well, a little man!

It was even better after we put his "loafers" on!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A big day for sleep

Today Conor put himself to sleep for two naps and again at bedtime!!!!! This is huge - he hasn't done this since he was a newborn. Usually I have to rock, nurse or wear him to sleep. At his 4 mo. appt. last week the pedi said he should be able to go down "drowsy but awake" at this age. I actually rolled my eyes at her because Conor hasn't been able to do this in a long time. Until today.

We were playing on the floor and his eyes started to get very heavy, and before I knew it he was asleep. He rolled on his side and took a good nap right there on the floor. A few hours later he did it again. This time he rolled mostly on his tummy with his little butt up in the air.

At bedtime he fell asleep in the glider so I put him down, but he woke up and cried once he hit the crib. I picked him up and he quieted down but wouldn't close his eyes. I set him back down in the crib awake with his paci and quietly moved to the glider to wait. After about 15 minutes he drifted off to sleep.

I think this is quite possibly the most important "milestone" he's hit yet! There's hope yet for long naps and sleeping through the night again. It may not last but I'm going to enjoy it for now.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monkey Business

Yesterday was Conor's first Halloween! He was a monkey for his party and an owl for his playgroup on Tuesday. He also played a trick on mom and dad by waking up more than usual last night.

Monday, October 26, 2009

4 months!

Conor is 4 months old today! He had a big month full of lots of changes. He's rolling easily both ways now. He likes to sit up with help and started sitting in his high chair.

After a few weeks of fabulous sleep, he started waking more recently. He usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. After that all bets are off. Most nights he sleeps until around 2-3, when he'll nurse then go back to bed fairly easily. Sometimes (rarely) he'll sleep until it's time to get up for the day (7-7:30). More often he's up at least once - sometimes it's just a series of 45 min naps until morning. We can usually get him back to sleep with the paci.

Last week he really got the hang of rolling and I went to get him from his nap to find this:

We stopped swaddling that night because I'm afraid he'll roll in his sleep and get stuck. The first few nights have been okay - pretty much the same not so great sleep as before. Hopefully it will improve.

He had a wonderful visit from Mimi this month. Lots of playing, snuggles and naps. We miss her and can't wait for Christmas!

Age 4 months
Weight 16lbs 8oz
Length 26 3/4 in
Size 2-3 diapers during the day, 3 diapers overnight, 6 mo. onesies
Eyes blue
Hair brown, still all there and doesn't look like it will fall out; getting VERY long and puffy!
Teeth none yet; drooling lots and putting everything in his mouth so maybe he's teething???
Sleeping Ugh... Usually up at least once at night, sometimes 2-3 times. He fights sleep more now. We just stopped swaddling because he was rolling in the crib. He still takes 4 45-min naps during the day with some longer 1.5-2 hour naps once in a while on mommy's lap.
Eating still all dairy-free breastmilk, nightime bottle 6oz of milk from mommy or daddy
Movement rolling both ways easily, just started pushing up on his knees while on his tummy
Milestones rolling, grabbing objects, sits assisted, holds head up well
Outings Detroit Marathon to watch Daddy finish his 2nd marathon, walk at Maybury State Park
Favorite toys/activities still enjoys the playmat and playing on blankets on the floor, Jumperoo, sitting in laps, going to his playgroup, going for walks, Winkle, Loopapalooza, Whoozit
Words/sounds ahhhhhhhhh, Goo, ehhhhhhhh, eheheh, lots of giggles
Memorable moments Mimi's visit

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Walk

Conor went for a walk at Maybury State Park this afternoon. He enjoyed the fall color and daddy's silliness.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

That's How He Rolls.

He finally make it over from back to belly!

He started out in the middle of the blanket and scooted around about 90 degrees! Even though he had been rolling to his right side for about 2 weeks, this time he went left and I guess that works for him!
In other news, he's enjoying tummy time again,

and just got a Jumperoo, where he's more interestd in the lights and toys than actually jumping.

Monday, September 28, 2009

3 months!

Conor turned 3 months old this weekend! I wish his pictures had turned out better but we spent the day in Jackson at Nana and Grandpa's so by the time we got home, the light wasn't very good in his nursery. Conor got tired of the photo shoot quickly.

We've noticed so many changes over the last couple of weeks. He is very close to rolling back to front - he can get onto his side easily.

He's also getting better at grabbing things held in front of him. He gets very intent and slowly moves his arms in, kind of like one of those robotic claw toy grabbing games! (and he also usually drops whatever he can grab immediately!)

He likes to put everything into his mouth and chew on fabric, fingers, elbows - whatever he can find. Lately he's been a very happy boy, for the most part, and doesn't usually cry when he wakes up anymore. Instead, he makes noises that sound like he's imitating a cry "Ahhhhhhhh..Ah, Ah, Ahhhhhh." It's very cute! Bedtime can be tricky - he needs to go down precisely when he's starting to get sleepy but not overtired, which can be hard to pinpoint.

For Grampy:
Gratuitous butt shot before bathtime:

Age 3 months
Weight almost 16 lbs
Length ?
Size 2-3 diapers, 6 mo. onesies
Eyes blue
Hair brown with some red, getting very long and puffy
Teeth none yet, maybe one coming on the bottom???
Sleeping 8-10 hours at night in the crib (sometimes up once), 4-5 45min – 1hr naps, in the crib or on the Boppy. Went through a week of terrible sleep - up several times and wouldn't go back down, but thankfully that seems to be over (for now!)
Eating dairy-free BM, bedtime bottle of BM from daddy. Also tried soy/egg/tomato/citrus/chocolate elimination but that didn't seem to make too much difference.
Movement almost rolling back to tummy
Milestones holds his head in line with his body when pulled to sitting, grabs his toes, follows objects 180 degrees
Outings Jackson Fall Festival to watch Daddy run
Favorite toys/activities playmat, blanket on the floor to practice rolling and sing songs (Favorite is "Open Shut Them", mirror)
Words/sounds coo, ah goo, ooo, O, eh, ahhhhhhhhh
Memorable moments having "conversations", giggling