Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yay! and pOops

It was almost a year ago that Conor got his potty. Since then, he's been pretty good about peeing on the potty. Lately, he has been going pee on the potty consistently at least once a day, sometimes more than that.

Except it's only ever pee. He had never pooped on the potty. Until tonight!

I could tell what was happening, but Tim couldn't (although he was whispering "I poop on the potty like a lion.") As soon as he stood up and we saw it in the potty, we both yelled "YAAAAAAYYYY!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!", which startled the daylights out of the poor boy. He started crying and saying "No!!! No!!!" It took a little while to calm him down, and I'm not sure he really ever got that we were happy that he had pooped in the potty.

So oops on us. but Yay!!! for Conor!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nap time

Friday night Tim and I went to the Ann Arbor Folk Festival and Nana and Papa babysat.  I knew Conor had to be tired after so much excitement the night before, but was surprised when yesterday's nap ended after only an hour.  As soon as we came downstairs, he zonked out on the couch for another hour snooze.  I think this may be the first time he's napped for so long on the couch (while not being held).  Welcome to the world of couch naps little buddy - it rocks.

Monday, January 23, 2012

No more monkeys...

They bumped their sock heads.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The babies on the bus....

...go "Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!....Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!....Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!"

Saturday, January 14, 2012


We finally got a little bit of snow so we did some sledding in the yard.  Conor kept yelling at Dada to "go real fast!"

This sled is a couple years old - I think it might be time for a bigger one, but he still had fun!

We made some hot cocoa to warm up. Conor kept calling it "hot coffee".

Monday, January 9, 2012

Afternoon at the park

We took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to go to the park this afternoon.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Two and a Half!

I get this a lot. He's a master at avoiding "eye contact" with my camera.

Conor turned two and a half last week!  Being with him every day makes it hard to appreciate just how much he's grown in the past few months, but when I look back at pictures from the summer I see such a big difference!  Some of the big milestones/changes/goings on in the past half year:

Language - So many new words.  His vocabulary amazes me and he picks up new words all the time.  Mispronounciations are dwindling.  Multi-word sentences are the norm, initiates a lot of conversation.  Sings the entire alphabet without missing letters.  Knows the words to lots of songs and will sing along.

Potty learning - Haven't tried to potty train yet, but he is much better at being able to go when we ask him to (no poop yet though), and will now even ask to go himself.  Likes to hide when pooping.  Frequently, will ask for a diaper change when wet/dirty (never used to do this).

Developing a better memory of things that have happened in the past.  When we drive somewhere on a route we've been before, he'll say (for example), "I want to go to the zoo!" (even if we're not really going to the zoo.  Bummer).

Questions everything. One of my favorites - when he hears a noise he'll ask, "Mama what make that sound?"  He also frequently asks "Mama/Dada, what you doing Mama/Dada?" (not a typo, he says it at the beginning and the end)

"Reads" books - Some of his favorites we have read so many times, he has them memorized and will "read" them to us.

Likes to direct us (tell us where to go and what to do).  My favorite is when he tells me which way to turn in the car.

Tests boundaries constantly.  Will yell to get attention.  We see this face a lot:

Loves bath time and swimming.  He's taken swimming lessons for over a year now.  We're going to try a new swim school this month.

Says things he knows are funny to get a reaction, like (running into a room) "What's going on in here???" or (when sitting in someone else's chair, as if imitating them) "What are you doing in my chair?"

Imagination taking off - loves to pretend and role play.

Enjoys having stories made up for him - says "Rubber time" (meaning "Once upon a time") when he wants you to tell him a story.

Good eater - prefers breakfast and lunch to dinner.  Fav foods are fruits (esp apples and peaches), mixed veggies (peas, carrots, corn and green beans), mashed potatoes, pasta, cheese, cottage cheese, pizza, cereal, cereal bars, waffles, yogurt, beans, and mac and cheese.

Favorite toys/activities - Fire truck, ambulance, tractor, trains, guitar ("instrument" or "tar"), dancing to music, PlayDo, coloring/drawing/painting, stickers, making a tent out of blankets, playing with cars and trucks, reading books, legos, puzzles ("I wanna put the puzzha togezzah!"), going to the zoo, going to the playground, going to the library, talking about going to the zoo/playground/library

Favorite books - Busy Town, Dear Zoo, Is Your Mama a Llama, Otis, My Big Boy Potty, Mike Mulligan, Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin, Scuffy the Tugboat

Dislikes - Haircuts, toothbrushing

Height ~37" (75th percentile)

Weight ~33 lbs (between 75th and 90th percentile)