Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!

My baby boy turned 2 today!  He's grown into such a funny, lovable, rambunctious little guy over the last year.  This year has flown by - I wish time would slow down because I love this age.  While at times he certainly fits the profile of the "terrible twos", he keeps us laughing and loving every day and I wouldn't change a single thing about him.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

We had a small family birthday party last weekend.  Both sets of grandparents, as well as his Aunt Kelly, Uncle Jason and cousins Madeline and Clara, and Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie traveled to celebrate with him.  We had a great time with them - I have lots of pictures to share that I need to post.

This weekend, we did lots of fun family stuff.  Friday, Conor and dada went to the zoo.  Yesterday we took him to see Cars 2 in the theater.  He did wonderfully.  It was hard for him to sit still but he was really interested in the movie and made it through the whole show without incident (except for almost grabbing the hair of the woman seated in front of us.)

Today we took him to his first baseball game.  We had a blast!  Our seats were great - shaded, and in a section with extra space and a little table.  He watched the entire game and cheered his Tigers on to victory.

(I did bring my camera, but forgot the memory card - doh!  Cel phone pictures will have to suffice.)

Stealing mama's sunglasses:

He enjoyed the little table for snacks and playing with firetrucks:

Perfect day for a game at Comerica Park:

and finally, one more monthly update.

Age 2 years!

Weight 30 lbs. (UPDATE - officially 31.6 at the Pedi - 75-90th percentile)

Length 35" (UPDATE - officially (also) 35" at the Pedi - 50-75th percentile)

Size 2T clothes, size 7 extra wide shoes, size 5 diapers, 3T hats

Hair Another buzz this month.

Teeth Improving with brushing but still doesn't like it.

Sleeping Sleeps through the night, ~8pm to 6am.  Takes one nap in the afternoon, usually ~2 hours.

Eating Will eat almost anything, loves snacks, prefers breakfast and lunch to dinner.

Movement Kicks a soccer ball well, likes dunking a basketball, loves to dance to the Shrek ending song ("I'm a Believer"). 

Milestones Gave up his paci! (again)  This time was more difficult than the last.  He was only using it for sleeping (at home), and we threw them away a couple weeks ago.  He still asks for them but does okay without.

Outings Swimming lessons, first baseball game, Cars 2 (in theater), strawberry picking, zoo.

Favorite toys/activities Books (favorites are “5 Little Monkeys”, “Best Word Book Ever” (especially the garbage truck page), "Busiest Firefighters Ever" and "Healthy Monster Triathlon"), movies, trucks, swimming, playing outside, going for wagon rides.

Words/sounds Vocabulary continues to expand, very conversational, uses several word sentences.

Memorable Moments Visits from Mimi & Grampy, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Jason, cousins Madeline and Clara, Uncle Brian & Aunt Katie.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Some of my favorite Conor-nunciations

milk = MEEEEE-yulk (Southern roots)
strawberries = STRAW-bees
Little Einsteins = Steins
banana = mana
orange = oonge
cereal bar = CE-re-al BAH! CE-re-al BAH!
Conor's car = Canahcah (Michigan roots)
city bus = shity bus :)
tickles = TEE-kools
delicious = WEE-cious
Debbie (our neighbor) = Bebbie
Lucy (classmate) = Weezy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strawberry Picking

Yesterday we went strawberry picking.  

Please take note of how clean his shirt is here.

I can't imagine why when we told him the strawberries weren't for eating yet, he got upset.  It's not like we put him in the middle of thousands of his favorite food and told him he couldn't have any.  Oh wait, yeah, that's basically what we did.  Oops.  So, if you have the "dirty dozen" list posted on your fridge or the thought of eating a non organic strawberry covered in dirt and pesticides and possibly bugs makes you a little ill, probably best to turn back now.  (I justified it because it had just rained, and he only ate a few, and after all they are organic if by "organic" you mean carbon based.)

Oh, the mess.  Thank God for wet wipes and Shout.

We picked almost six pounds of strawberries.  Conor mostly just ate them - his picking technique needs some work as it involves just squeezing the strawberries until they disintegrate off the plant.  Hopefully by blueberry season he will have figured it out.