It's a good thing this is the last of the monthday pics because it's getting harder to get him to sit still in the glider for long!
Age 12 months
Weight officially 22 lbs 11oz (~50th percentile)
Length officially 31" (75th-90th percentile) (head is 19.5", 95th+ percentile). Unless he's shrinking I guess both our scale and tape measure are a bit off...
Size 12 month+ tops and pants, size 4 shoes, size 4 diapers, 2T hats :)
Eyes Blue. It's probably time to retire this category because I really think they're staying blue!
Hair In need of his fourth cut
Teeth 8, and I think he's working on molars
Sleeping Mostly sleeping thru the night (until he got sick over the weekend), 1-2 naps
Eating Transitioning to whole cow's milk, 20-24oz/day total, offered in a sippy with meals then finished in a bottle, plus 3 meals of table food, and 2 snacks. Still taking a bedtime bottle. Too many new foods to list, but new favs include baked beans, refried beans, SB&J (sunflower butter and jelly), Chex, Spanish rice, graham crackers and pita pizzas (mini pitas with tomato sauce and cheese on top).
Movement Standing on his own, 1-2 steps, trying to stand up on his own, waving bye-bye, shakes head "no"
Milestones See above, plus (from the pedi's checklist) object permanence, puts objects into and takes objects out of a container, imitates people, plays ball
Outings Trip to Traverse City and Sleeping Bear, Nichols Arboretum Peony Gardens, Ann Arbor Library for playgroup, one year photo shoot at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Guernsey Farms Dairy for ice cream on his birthday eve, many neighborhood walks
Favorite toys/activities music table, walker, blocks, books, instruments, swings, bubbles, sand box, painting
Words/sounds always babbling (the pedi asked if he always "sings" to himself!), says mama, dada, pop, cat with purpose, working on dog (comes out as "daaah"), his teachers report he says "all done" at school all the time but we really haven't heard it. He also loves to use his hands to make funny noises with his mouth
Memorable Moments First Birthday party, First Father's Day, winning the Diaper Dash