Monday, September 28, 2009

3 months!

Conor turned 3 months old this weekend! I wish his pictures had turned out better but we spent the day in Jackson at Nana and Grandpa's so by the time we got home, the light wasn't very good in his nursery. Conor got tired of the photo shoot quickly.

We've noticed so many changes over the last couple of weeks. He is very close to rolling back to front - he can get onto his side easily.

He's also getting better at grabbing things held in front of him. He gets very intent and slowly moves his arms in, kind of like one of those robotic claw toy grabbing games! (and he also usually drops whatever he can grab immediately!)

He likes to put everything into his mouth and chew on fabric, fingers, elbows - whatever he can find. Lately he's been a very happy boy, for the most part, and doesn't usually cry when he wakes up anymore. Instead, he makes noises that sound like he's imitating a cry "Ahhhhhhhh..Ah, Ah, Ahhhhhh." It's very cute! Bedtime can be tricky - he needs to go down precisely when he's starting to get sleepy but not overtired, which can be hard to pinpoint.

For Grampy:
Gratuitous butt shot before bathtime:

Age 3 months
Weight almost 16 lbs
Length ?
Size 2-3 diapers, 6 mo. onesies
Eyes blue
Hair brown with some red, getting very long and puffy
Teeth none yet, maybe one coming on the bottom???
Sleeping 8-10 hours at night in the crib (sometimes up once), 4-5 45min – 1hr naps, in the crib or on the Boppy. Went through a week of terrible sleep - up several times and wouldn't go back down, but thankfully that seems to be over (for now!)
Eating dairy-free BM, bedtime bottle of BM from daddy. Also tried soy/egg/tomato/citrus/chocolate elimination but that didn't seem to make too much difference.
Movement almost rolling back to tummy
Milestones holds his head in line with his body when pulled to sitting, grabs his toes, follows objects 180 degrees
Outings Jackson Fall Festival to watch Daddy run
Favorite toys/activities playmat, blanket on the floor to practice rolling and sing songs (Favorite is "Open Shut Them", mirror)
Words/sounds coo, ah goo, ooo, O, eh, ahhhhhhhhh
Memorable moments having "conversations", giggling

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Conor is sleeping in his crib now at night. Tonight is the third night. He seems to do as well as he did in the bassinet in our room. The first night was rough for me but last night was much better. I love the smile on his face when I go in to get him up in the mornings - so sweet!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Halloween Costume

Part one of Conor's Halloween costume:

Is it too ambitious to think I can sew feathers on to a onesie for the rest of the costume??? We might end up with a plain brown romper!