Age 2 months
Weight 13lbs 3 oz
Length 24 inches
Size 2 diapers, 3-6 mo. onesies
Eyes blue
Hair brown and lots of it, getting more wavy
Teeth none yet
Sleeping 7-8 hours at night in the PnP bassinet (sometimes up once), several catnaps and a couple 45min – 1hr naps, usually while being worn
Eating dairy-free BM, bedtime bottle of BM from daddy
Movement rolling tummy to back
Milestones found his toes!
Outings Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie’s wedding, first movie (mommy matinee of “Time Traveler’s Wife”)
Favorite toys/activities playmat (loves the cow mirror), swing
Words/sounds coo, ah goo, ooo, O, eh
Memorable moments wakes up every morning with a big smile
Weight 13lbs 3 oz
Length 24 inches
Size 2 diapers, 3-6 mo. onesies
Eyes blue
Hair brown and lots of it, getting more wavy
Teeth none yet
Sleeping 7-8 hours at night in the PnP bassinet (sometimes up once), several catnaps and a couple 45min – 1hr naps, usually while being worn
Eating dairy-free BM, bedtime bottle of BM from daddy
Movement rolling tummy to back
Milestones found his toes!
Outings Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie’s wedding, first movie (mommy matinee of “Time Traveler’s Wife”)
Favorite toys/activities playmat (loves the cow mirror), swing
Words/sounds coo, ah goo, ooo, O, eh
Memorable moments wakes up every morning with a big smile